Animals in the HOA: Ducks/Geese

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I was drinking my coffee this last Saturday morning and an article popped up on my feed. A HOA is suing a couple in Cypress, Texas for feeding wild ducks at a lake within the HOA. I briefly read the case and essentially the argument is that the ducks are causing significant damage and feeding them caused them to populate the area causing the damage.

I also got notice of another story where a HOA is dealing with wild peacocks. It was kind of ironic because I had just received a bunch of questions about ducks and geese and the regulation thereof.

I thought it would be a good idea to start this series about wild animals in HOAs. Believe it or not…Texas has regulations on this issue. These regulations effect how HOAs deal with wild animals in the neighborhood. Since representing HOAs, I have done research on bees, beavers, wild hogs, deer, and many more species of wild animals. This career has given me an interesting education on wild animals for sure.

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